Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Data Feed: Sanctions against Russia, visualizing the labor market, Congressional slackers

A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.

Politics 59% approve of sanctions against Russia, CNN/ORC International 50% in Iowa say Hillary Clinton should run for president, Des Moines Register Keystone XL project is overwhelmingly favoredtopline, ABC News/Washington Post How many days has Congress actually worked in 2014? Washington Post Texas could flip from red to blue in next few years, The Wall Street Journal

Economy Americans’ views on ‘quality job’ prospects still recovering, Gallup Apartment share of new-home construction at four-decade high, The Wall Street Journal Bull market turned 5 on Sunday, Associated Press Interactive: Eight different ways to visualize the labor market, New York Fed U.S. market for illegal drugs tops $100 billion, RAND Corporation

Health & Society Uninsured rate continues to fall, now at 15.9%, Gallup E-cigarettes don’t discourage teens from smoking, may encourage it, JAMA Public transit use reaches highest level since 1956, advocates report, New York Times Food-stamp use soared as economy tanked, but demographic shifts dampened effect, PRB

International Where working women have best, worst prospects of equal treatment, The Economist Europeans view agricultural sector as important, but know little about it, Eurobarometer Europeans are using more renewable energy, now 14% of energy used, Eurostat

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