Socially Diverse: Engaging and Mobilizing Communities of Color with Social Media
Aaron Smith will speak at CAPAF’s Internet Advocacy Roundtable to discuss how to best use social media to engage and mobilize diverse constituencies.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
Aaron Smith will speak at CAPAF’s Internet Advocacy Roundtable to discuss how to best use social media to engage and mobilize diverse constituencies.
Why doesn’t Pew Internet report findings for Asians, Pacific Islanders or other groups as part of its standard demographic variables?
Broadband adoption slowed dramatically in 2010, but growth among African-Americans jumped well above the national average; 53% of Americans do not think affordable broadband should be a government priority.
Six in ten Americans go online wirelessly using a laptop or cell phone; African-Americans and 18-29 year olds lead the way in the use of cell phone data applications, but older adults are gaining ground.
One in five Americans use digital tools to communicate with neighbors and monitor community developments.
The Gov 2.0 Expo was a smorgasbord of policy, technology, and citizen engagement. Aaron Smith and Susannah Fox share their notes.
How do we explain the disparity between African-Americans’ and Hispanics’ views of the importance of government social media versus whites?
The internet gives citizens new paths to government services and information.
Research Specialist Aaron Smith discusses online participation and social media at the 2009 Symposium on Racing and Gaming in Tucson.
Aaron Smith discusses the role the Internet plays in opening civic and political debate to historically underrepresented groups.