Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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    Perot is Back

    Report Summary Ross Perot’s surge in the polls is drawing somewhat more support from Bill Clinton than from George Bush, and the third party candidate seems poised to make more gains that might further narrow Bill Clinton’s nationwide margin.

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    One in Three Flunk Bush Ads

    Report Summary A Times Mirror Center survey conducted October 14-18 reveals that the American electorate continues to react more negatively to George Bush’s campaign commercials than to those of each of his rivals. A majority of voters who say they have seen Bush commercials in the past week rate them poorly – 34% give them […]

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    Clinton and Perot the Focus of Voter Attention

    Report Summary Bill Clinton and Ross Perot continue to command more voter attention than George Bush. Times Mirror’s latest Air Wars Score Card finds 37% of American voters saying that in the past week they have heard the most in the media about Bill Clinton. Almost as many mention independent candidate Ross Perot (31%), while […]

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    Public Tunes Bush Out

    Report Summary George Bush is losing the air wars to challengers Bill Clinton and Ross Perot. While the President may be getting as much media coverage and buying as much advertising as his rivals, voters this past week say they have heard most about Clinton and Perot.

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    Clinton Maintains Lead as Bush Campaign Struggles

    Report Summary Bill Clinton is in as solid a position with American voters as was George Bush four years ago at this time. The Arkansas Governor’s 53% to 38% lead over President Bush has stabilized and his support is as firm as Bush’s was in September of 1988.

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    Clinton Converts One in Three Voters

    Report Summary The American electorate has changed its allegiances more dramatically and rapidly in recent weeks than perhaps ever before in campaign history. However, the size of the shift is so large and the commitment of voters to its recipient, Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas, is so tenuous, that voting intentions could again change dramatically […]

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    Clinton Bounce Begins

    Report Summary On the eve of the Democratic Convention, Governor Bill Clinton has taken a giant step toward improving his personal image. A Times Mirror poll conducted on Wednesday and Thursday evening of this week finds 59% of the voting age public having a favorable impression of the Democratic candidate VS. 34% unfavorable. This is […]

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    Campaign ’92: Survey VIII

    Report Summary On the eve of the national political conventions the American electorate is composed of three generations that are likely to play vastly different roles in the coming election. Americans over 50 may be the first generation of older people in modern history to spearhead a political revolution, and middle-aged people, clustered in the […]

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    Year of the Outsider

    Report Summary Unannounced candidate Ross Perot has pulled ahead of George Bush and Bill Clinton in the latest nationwide Times Mirror survey, but for all the talk of Perot’s connection with voters, his strength against Bush and Clinton is almost matched by non candidate Norman Schwartzkopf.

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    The Campaign and the Press at Halftime

    Report Summary While George Bush, Bill Clinton, and Ross Perot have all criticized 1992 campaign press coverage, the three candidates might be surprised to learn that many members of the press community share their negative views.