Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

American Trends Panel Wave 39

Survey conducted Nov. 7 – Nov. 16, 2018

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    Most Voters Have Positive Views of Their Midterm Voting Experiences

    Voters approached the 2018 midterm elections with some trepidation about the voting process and many had concerns that U.S. election systems may be hacked. After the election, however, most say it was “very easy” to vote and confidence in election security has increased.

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    Conflicting Partisan Priorities for U.S. Foreign Policy

    The public’s leading long-range foreign policy goals for the United States are focused on security, including economic security. About seven-in-ten (72%) say that taking measures to protect the U.S. from terrorist attacks should be a top priority for the country, while about as many (71%) say the same about protecting the jobs of American workers.

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