Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

August 14-17 2014 Weekly Survey

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    Partisan Views of U.S. Actions in Iraq

    Support for U.S. Airstrikes in Iraq; Concern About Getting Too Involved

    As fighting rages in Iraq, most Americans (54%) say they approve of U.S. airstrikes against Islamic militants there, while 31% disapprove. But while the public backs airstrikes, there is widespread concern about the U.S. becoming too involved in Iraq. Overall, 51% say their greater concern about military action is that the U.S. will go too […]

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    Stark Racial Divisions in Reactions to Ferguson Police Shooting

    Blacks and whites have sharply different reactions to the police shooting of an unarmed teen in Ferguson, Mo., and the protests and violence that followed. Blacks are about twice as likely as whites to say that the shooting of Michael Brown “raises important issues about race that need to be discussed.” Wide racial differences also […]

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