Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

January 2015 Political Survey

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    Most View the CDC Favorably; VA’s Image Slips

    Survey Report The public continues to express positive views of many agencies of the federal government, even though overall trust in government is near historic lows. Large majorities express favorable views of such government agencies as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), NASA and the Defense Department. In fact, favorable opinions surpass unfavorable […]

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    Obama in a Word: ‘Good,’ ‘Incompetent’

    Survey Report As public perceptions of Barack Obama have changed over the course of his presidency, so too have the words used to describe him. The national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted Jan. 7-11 among 1,504 adults, finds that the words good (35 mentions) and incompetent (33 mentions) are used most frequently to […]

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    Most Support Stronger U.S. Ties With Cuba

    Survey Report Fully 63% of Americans approve of the Obama administration’s decision last month to re-establish diplomatic ties with Cuba after more than 50 years. And there is equally broad support for going further and ending the decades-long U.S. trade embargo against Cuba (66% favor this). Yet there is broad public skepticism that a thaw […]

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    Public’s Policy Priorities Reflect Changing Conditions at Home and Abroad

    Survey Report As views of the economy improve and terrorist threats persist, the public’s policy priorities have changed: For the first time in five years, as many Americans cite defending the U.S. against terrorism (76%) as a top policy priority  as say that about strengthening the nation’s economy (75%). Since Barack Obama began his second […]

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    Obama Job Rating Ticks Higher, Views of Nation’s Economy Turn More Positive

    President Obama enters the seventh year of his presidency in a familiar position when compared with his recent predecessors. His 47% job approval rating places him squarely between George W. Bush (33%) and Bill Clinton (63%) at similar points in their second terms. Obama’s rating is comparable to Ronald Reagan’s in January 1987 (49%), when […]

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    Terrorism Worries Little Changed; Most Give Government Good Marks for Reducing Threat

    Survey Report In the aftermath of deadly terrorist attacks in Paris — and months after the start of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS — there has been little change in the public’s worries about an imminent terrorist attack in the United States. One-in-four (25%) are very worried about a domestic terrorist attack happening “soon,” while about […]

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