Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

October 20-23 2011 Weekly Survey

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    Modest Interest in Gadhafi Death, Iraq Withdrawal

    Overview Americans divided their attention last week among several breaking news stories – from the death of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya to the release of dozens of dangerous wild animals in Ohio to the announced withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq– while still keeping a close watch on news about the nation’s economy. No single […]

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    Public Divided Over Occupy Wall Street Movement

    About four-in-ten Americans say they support the Occupy Wall Street movement (39%), while nearly as many (35%) say they oppose the movement launched last month in New York’s financial district. By contrast, more say they oppose the Tea Party movement than support it (44% vs. 32%), according to the latest survey by the Pew Research […]

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