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October 2013 Political Survey

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    GOP Deeply Divided Over Climate Change

    Two-thirds of Americans (67%) say there is solid evidence that the earth has been getting warmer over the last few decades. Republicans, however, face greater internal divisions over this issue than do Democrats. Just 25% of Tea Party Republicans say there is solid evidence of global warming, compared with 61% of non-Tea Party Republicans.

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    Public Registers Bumpy Launch of Health Care Exchange Websites

    Survey Report A few weeks after the launch of the state-level online health insurance exchanges that are a cornerstone of the Affordable Care Act, the public’s impression is that it has been a bumpy launch. About three-in-ten Americans (29%) say the online health insurance exchanges are working very or fairly well while 46% say they […]

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    Tea Party’s Image Turns More Negative

    Survey Report The Tea Party is less popular than ever, with even many Republicans now viewing the movement negatively. Overall, nearly half of the public (49%) has an unfavorable opinion of the Tea Party, while 30% have a favorable opinion. The balance of opinion toward the Tea Party has turned more negative since June, when […]

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    Record Anti-Incumbent Sentiment Ahead of 2014 Elections

    These findings are excerpted from a previously released report “As Debt Limit Deadline Nears, Concern Ticks Up But Skepticism Persists,” published October 15, 2013. For findings related to the shutdown and debt limit debate, views of the parties and party leaders and information about the survey and survey topline, see the full report. Amid protracted […]

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    As Debt Limit Deadline Nears, Concern Ticks Up But Skepticism Persists

    Survey Report With just two days to go before an Oct. 17 deadline to raise the nation’s debt limit, 51% of the public views a rise in the nation’s debt limit as “absolutely essential” in order to avoid an economic crisis, while 36% think the country can go past the deadline without major problems. Public […]

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