Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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    Video: Estimating Europe’s unauthorized immigrant population

    A new Pew Research Center analysis estimates that at least 3.9 million unauthorized immigrants – and possibly as many as 4.8 million – lived in Europe in 2017. Learn how we conducted the first comprehensive estimate of Europe’s unauthorized immigrant population in over a decade.

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    Video: Can we still trust polls?

    Recent events – including the 2016 presidential election and Brexit – have rattled public confidence in polls. But this video explains why well-designed polls can still be trusted and remain an important way to measure public opinion.

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    Video: Being Muslim in the U.S.

    This video offers a look inside the beliefs and attitudes of Muslims in America; it features data from Pew Research Center’s 2017 survey, as well as the personal stories of Muslims from across the United States.

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    Video: How did we identify Twitter bots?

    The Pew Research Center set out to better understand how many of the links being shared on Twitter are being promoted by bots rather than humans. Our analysis found that an estimated two-thirds of tweeted links to popular websites are posted by automated accounts – not human beings.

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    Methods 101: Survey Question Wording

    The second video in Pew Research Center’s Methods 101 series helps explain question wording – a concept at the center of sound public opinion survey research – and why it’s important.