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America’s Image Further Erodes, Europeans Want Weaker Ties


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Pew Global Attitudes Project9 Country StudyFINAL TOPLINEUnited StatesMarch 13 - 16, 2003 (N=1,032)BritainMarch 14 - 16, 2003 (N=962)FranceMarch 13 - 14, 2003 (N=485)GermanyMarch 14 - 15, 2003 (N=524)ItalyMarch 12 - 14, 2003 (N=500)SpainMarch 12 - 17, 2003 (N=503)PolandMarch 10 - 14, 2003 (N=500)RussiaMarch 12 - 14, 2003 (N=501)TurkeyMarch 10 - 17, 2003 (N=513)Q.1All in all, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in thiscountry today?Don't know/SatisfiedDissatisfiedRefusedBritain30637=100July, 200232644=100France31672=100July, 200232671=100Germany18793=100July, 200231662=99Italy20747=101July, 200224706=100Spain414712=100Poland7894=100July, 20029873=99Russia35587=100July, 200220719=100Turkey18812=101July, 20024933=100Q.2Please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorableor very unfavorable opinion of the United States.VerySomewhatSomewhatVeryDon't know/FavorableFavorableUnfavorableUnfavorableRefusedBritain1434241611=99July, 200227481249=100France62545222=100July, 20029542682=99Germany42141304=100July, 20029523144=100Italy82633268=101July, 200213571857=100Spain311353912=100Poland94133117=101July, 2002146510110=100Russia42443254=100July, 20028532766=100Turkey3917675=101July, 2002624134215=100Q.3Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the international policies of PresidentGeorge W. Bush? (U.S. asked "Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bushis handling the nation's foreign policy?")Don't know/ApproveDisapproveRefusedUnited States533611=100April, 2002692011=100March, 200278175=100October, 2001281145=100Early September, 2001463420=100August, 2001453223=100Britain236017=100April, 2002403723=100August, 2001174934=100France10873=100April, 200232617=100August, 2001165925=100Germany14852=101April, 200235596=100August, 2001236512=100Italy147610=100April, 200244479=100August, 2001294625=100Spain97913=101Poland335413=100Russia8839=100Turkey58510=100Ask in U.S., Britain, Italy, Spain and Poland:Q.4a Thinking about possible war with Iraq, would you favor or oppose (Survey country)joining the U.S. and other allies in military action in Iraq to end Saddam Hussein'srule?(U.S. asked "Would you favor or oppose taking military action in Iraq to endSaddam Hussein's rule?")Don't know/FavorOpposeRefusedUnited States593011=100February, 200366268=100Britain395110=100November, 200247476=100Italy17812=100Spain13817=101Poland21736=100Ask in France, Germany, Russia and Turkey:Q.4b Thinking about possible war with Iraq, would you favor or oppose the U.S. andother allies taking military action in Iraq to end Saddam Hussein's rule?Don't know/FavorOpposeRefusedFrance20756=101November, 200233643=100Germany27694=100November, 200226713=100Russia10873=100November, 200212799=100Turkey12862=100Q.5Ask in Turkey only:In your opinion, which of the following better explains why the U.S. mightuse military force against Iraq?Is it more because the U.S. believes thatSADDAM HUSSEIN IS A THREAT to stability in the Middle East and world peaceor is it more because this is a part of the U.S.'s war against MUSLIM COUNTRIESthat it sees as unfriendly?US believesPart of warSaddam isagainstthreat toMuslimDon't know/stabilitycountriesRefusedTurkey226017=99November, 2002345313=100Q.6a Generally, do you think American foreign policy has a positive effect on our country,a negative effect, or does American foreign policy have no effect on our country?Don't know/PositiveNegativeNo EffectRefusedBritain38391112=100January, 20033042919=100France1463204=101January, 2003971911=100Germany1559205=99January, 20031167175=100Italy17521516=100Spain14491621=100January, 20039571519=100Poland26411815=100Russia8581717=100January, 200311552311=100Turkey1468910=101[If Negative]Q.6b Why is it that American policy is having a negative effect on our country?Is it mostly because of President George W. Bush or is it more a generalproblem with America?MostlyAmericaBothDon't know/Bushin general[VOL.]RefusedBritain5631112=100(N=375)France761571=99(N=305)Germany68301*=99(N=327)Italy523675=100(N=258)Spain5333105=101(N=247)Poland4440106=100(N=205)Russia2948176=100(N=290)Turkey3548126=101(N=348)Q.7If Iraq is disarmed and Saddam Hussein is removed from power by the U.S.and its allies, do you think the people of Iraq will be better off or worseoff in the long run than they are now?BetterWorseDon't know/OffOffRefusedUnited States79813=100Britain76816=100France731413=100Germany711514=100Italy611820=99Spain462133=100Poland522227=101Russia204040=100Turkey335215=100Q.8If Iraq is disarmed and Saddam Hussein is removed from power by the U.S.and its allies, do you think the Middle East region will be more stableor less stable in the long run than it is now?MoreLessDon't know/StableStableRefusedUnited States641719=100Britain592219=100France463717=100Germany563213=101Italy462726=99Spain382933=100Poland463420=100Russia214534=100Turkey305615=101Q.9Do you think the partnership between the U.S. and Western Europe shouldremain as close as it has been or do you think that Western Europe shouldtake a more independent approach to security and diplomatic affairs thanit has in the past?RemainMoreDon't know/As CloseIndependentRefusedU.S. February, 200362299=100Britain404812=100April, 200248475=100France30674=101April, 200233607=100Germany46523=101April, 200244515=100Italy30637=100April, 200236595=100Spain246016=100Poland404911=100Russia177211=100Turkey176221=100Q.10 Does the current controversy over what to do about Iraq show that the UnitedNations still plays an important role in dealing with international conflictsor does it show that the United Nations is not so important any more?StillNot soNo DifferenceDon't know/ImportantImportant[VOL.]RefusedUnited States5432113=100Britain5435111=101France554212=100Germany7324*3=100Italy523928=101Spain4140316=100Poland4935611=101Russia2957311=100Turkey23471219=101Ask in Turkey only:Q.11 Has the Turkish parliament made the right decision not to allow the Americanmilitary to use Turkey as a staging ground for a possible war against Iraq?RightWrongDon't knowDecisionDecisionRefusedTurkey523711=100***********************************************************************************PEW RESEARCH CENTER FOR THE PEOPLE & THE PRESSMARCH 2003 NEWS INTEREST INDEXFINAL U.S. TOPLINEMarch 13-16, 2003N=1,032Q.3Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handlingthe nation's foreign policy?GallupEarlyAprilOctoberSeptAug200220012001200153Approve6981464536Disapprove2014343211Don't know/Refused1152023100100100100100On the subject of IraqQ.4How much have you yourself thought about whether the U.S. should use militaryforce to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq? [READ]Early Mid-LateEarlyFebJanDecOctSeptAugJan200320032002200220022002199164A Great deal5856585455466624Some272929322735247Only a littleOR888891164Not at all66456621Don't know/Refused1111322100100100100100100100100Q.5/6 Would you favor or oppose taking military action in Iraq to end Saddam Hussein'srule? [IF FAVOR, ASK Should we attack Iraq only if our major allies agree to joinus, or attack Iraq even if allies do not want to join us?]Late Early Mid Late --------Gallup----------FebJanDecNovOctOctSept AugJune NovFebJune Mar2003 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 1993 199259Favor6668656255626464597452705538 Even if allies won't join 3826----27--3330----------16 Only if allies agree2237----23--2530----------5 Don't know/Refused65----5--64----------30Oppose2625252634282321342042274011Don't know/Ref.8710121110131576635100100100100100100100100100100100100100100ASK ALL:Q.7Do you think George W. Bush has explained clearly what's at stake as to why theU.S. might use military force to end the rule of Saddam Hussein, or do you thinkhe has not explained the reasons clearly enough?LateMid-LateFebJanDecOctSeptAugNY Times200320032002200220022002Aug 199049Explained clearly5342484852375047Not clearly405345453752414Don't know/Refused757711119100100100100100100100100Q.8Should the U.S. first get a United Nations resolution to use force before takingmilitary action against Iraq or don't you think the U.S. needs to do this?IF "SHOULD GET UN RESOLUTION" ASK:Q.9If the U.S. and most of its allies back using force against Iraq, but the UN resolutionis vetoed by one or two countries who oppose itwhat should the U.S. do?[READ AND ROTATE]Feb200354Should first get a UN resolution5724Not use force because the UN has not approved it2225Use force if it feels it is the right thing to do305Don't know/Refused (VOL. DO NOT READ)535Does not need to do this331Should not use force in Iraq (VOL.)*10Don't know/Refused (VOL.)10100100ASK ALL:Q.10 In your opinion, what do you think the UN weapons inspections have shown so far...[READ ALL THREE OPTIONS; ROTATE ITEMS 1 & 2]Feb20038That Iraq will cooperate and can be peacefully disarmed460That Iraq will not cooperate and can not be peacefully disarmed58--OR--28That it is too early to tell344Don't know/Refused (VOL. DO NOT READ)4100100Q.11 From your point of view, does the U.S. now have enough international support touse military force against Iraq or do you think it still has to convince moreof its allies to go along?Feb200337Has enough international support3756Still has to convince more567Don't know/Refused (VOL.)7100100Q.12 If Iraq is disarmed and Saddam Hussein is removed from power by the U.S. andits allies, do you think the people of Iraq will be better off or worse offin the long run than they are now?79Better off8Worse off13Don't know/Refused100Q.13 If Iraq is disarmed and Saddam Hussein is removed from power by the U.S. andits allies do you think the Middle East region will be more stable or lessstable in the long run than it is now?64More stable17Less stable19Don't know/Refused100Q.14 Does the current controversy over what to do about Iraq show that the UnitedNations still plays an important role in dealing with international conflictsor does it show that the United Nations is not so important any more?54Still plays important role32Not so important1No difference [VOL.]13Don't know/Refused100
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