Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Trends in Online Government

Senior Research Specialist Aaron Smith discussed the Pew Internet Project’s findings related to e-government at the Digital Government Institute’s 9th Annual Government Customer Service Conference. His slides are available below, or can be downloaded as a PDF or Powerpoint file.


Trends for Connecting with Customers: They Want it All

  • Aaron Smith, Senior Research Specialist, Pew Internet and American Life Project
  • Karen Trebon, Program Analyst, Center for New Media and Citizen Engagement, Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies, GSA

“The services that government provides its constituents, partners, and employees are increasingly benchmarked against user experience in other walks of their lives. It is not surprising that customers expect the same options, quality, and level of service from government as they receive from retailers, technical support, consumer services, and others they contact on the phone, online, and more. As it turns out, the way users choose to interact with public sector organizations is not identical to commercial providers, but there are similarities—and some distinct differences. Join this discussion to learn what recent government-commissioned and independent research shows about how John Q. Public prefers to be served and the inherent challenges and opportunities for government organizations.”

For more information, please visit the Digital Government Institute’s website.

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