Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

The Behaviors and Attitudes of U.S. Adults on Twitter


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This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals. 

Research Team         

Colleen McClain, Research Associate
Regina Widjaya, Computational Social Scientist      
Gonzalo Rivero, Associate Director, Data Labs                                
Aaron Smith, Director, Data Labs

Ashley Amaya, Senior Survey Methodologist
Nick Bertoni, Senior Panel Manager
Brian Broderick, Data Science Engineer
Athena Chapekis, Data Science Assistant
Andrew Grant, Communications Associate
Arnold Lau, Research Methodologist
Andrew Mercer, Senior Research Methodologist
Travis Mitchell, Copy Editor, Digital Producer
Meltem Odabaş, Computational Social Scientist
Emma Remy, Data Science Analyst
Alissa Scheller, Information Graphics Designer
Rachel Weisel, Senior Communications Manager

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