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PEJ’s Virtual Roundtable Summer Series

The Project for Excellence in Journalism has put together a series of nine online panel discussions of industry leaders about the future of journalism. The roundtables began on July 10th.

The virtual roundtables were put together in a particular way. PEJ contacted a group of industry experts for nine different media sectors—network news, newspapers, cable news, magazines, local TV news, radio, online, ethnic media and alternative newspapers. For each panel, we posed a series of questions via e-mail, gathered responses into a roundtable format, and edited minimally for flow. We then sent the assembled roundtables back to each respondent, allowing them to revise or extend their remarks. The result, we hope, represents a new form of communication—a virtual panel discussion.

The panelists for the roundtables include:

For Alternative Newsweeklies: Matt Gibson, Publisher, The Missoula Independent; Julia Goldberg, Editor, Santa Fe Reporter; Richard Karpel, Executive Director, Association of Alternative Newsweeklies; Alison True, Editor, Chicago Reader

For Cable TV: Rick Kaplan, former President and General Manager, MSNBC; George Niesen, Managing Editor, Kagan Research; David Payne, Senior VP, CNN News Services & General Manager,; Judy Woodruff, Special Correspondent (Next Generation Initiative), MacNeil/Lehrer Productions

For Ethnic Media: Sandy Close, Executive Director, New American Media; Ahn Do, Editor, Nguoi Viet 2 News; Juana Ponce de Leon, Director, Independent Press Association of New York; Edward Schumacher, Publisher, Rumbo Newspapers

For Local TV: Bob Chirdon, Vice President and General Manager, WTOL Channel 11; Scott Libin, Leadership & Management Faculty, Poynter Institute; Kay Miller, News Director, WWSB TV; Deborah Potter, President and Executive Director, News Lab; Don Shelby, Anchor/ Reporter, WCCO

For Magazines: William Falk, Editor, The Week; Samir Husni, Chairperson, University of Mississippi Journalism Department and author of “Samir Husni’s Guide to New Magazines”; Daniel Okrent, former Editor, Time Inc. New Media; Victor Navasky, Chairman, Columbia Journalism Review; former Editor, The Nation

For Network TV: Tom Bettag, former Executive Producer, Nightline; Executive Producer, Discovery Networks; Jeff Gralnick, 48-year veteran of broadcast news, has worked for all three networks; Neal Shapiro, former President, NBC News; Andrew Tyndall, Publisher, The Tyndall Report

For Newspapers: John Carroll, editor of the Los Angeles Times from 2000 to 2005; Paul Ginocchio, Media Analyst for Deutsche Bank; Rick Edmonds, Researcher and Writer for the Poynter Institute; Phil Meyer, Knight Chair in Journalism, School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of North Carolina; Rick Rodriguez, Executive Editor and Senior Vice President of The Sacramento Bee, and in 2005-2006, President of the American Society of Newspaper Editors; Lou Ureneck, Director of the Business and Economics Journalism program at Boston University.

For Online: Robert Cox, president of the Media Bloggers Association (MBA); Dan Gillmor, a Bay Area-based blogger who was previously a columnist for the San Jose Mercury News; James “Jay” Hamilton, Charles S. Sydnor Professor of Public Policy Studies at Duke University; Jeff Jarvis, a former critic for TV Guide and People magazine who now blogs at; Lee Rainie, founding director of the Pew Internet & American Life Project located in Washington DC.

For Radio: Bill Buzenberg, Senior Vice President, News – Minnesota Public Radio; Tim Curran, News Director, Sirius OutQ; Adam Powell, Director, Integrated Media Systems Center, USC; Dale Willman, Executive Editor, Field Notes Productions


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