Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Our Research

U.S. Politics & Policy

We provide independent opinion research about American attitudes on politics and major policy issues and study the changing U.S. electorate by measuring long-term trends in political values and public policy priorities, as well as conducting timely and topical polling on the issues of the day.

Key topics:

  • Political values, partisanship and polarization
  • Elections, campaigns and political engagement
  • Views of government, elected officials and parties
  • U.S. economy
  • U.S. domestic policy issues
  • U.S. foreign policy
  • Political knowledge and interest

Find an expert. For more information, contact Nida Asheer and Calvin Jordan.

Journalism & Media

We assess the state of news and information in a changing society, including how news is consumed, who is reporting it and how technology is shaping the information landscape. Major reports have examined political polarization and media habitsnews use across social media platformsAmerica’s shifting statehouse press and the State of the News Media.

Key topics:

  • News audience trends
  • Engagement and participation with news
  • Social media and news
  • Economic indicators
  • Emerging news providers
  • Role of news and information in society

Find an expert. For more information, contact Hannah Klein.

Internet, Science & Tech

We analyze the social impact of digital technologies, and we study attitudes about scientific research and innovation. Our focus is on how science and technology changes affect families, communities, education, health care and medicine, civic and political life, and workers’ activities.

Key topics:

  • Technology use
  • Science and society
  • Social networking
  • Mobile connectivity
  • Online privacy
  • Teens and technology

Find an expert on internet and technology or science and society. For more information, contact Haley Nolan.

Religion & Public Life

We seek to promote a deeper understanding of issues at the intersection of religion and public affairs in the U.S. and around the world. Through public opinion surveys, demographic studies and other social science research, we examine the religious composition of countries, the influence of religion on politics, the extent of government and social restrictions on religion, and views on abortion, same-sex marriage, stem cell research and many other topics. Our U.S. Religious Landscape Survey is a benchmark for understanding religion in the United States. Our Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures research analyzes religious change and its impact on societies around the world.

Key topics:

  • Religious affiliation, beliefs and practices in the U.S.
  • Changes in the global religious landscape
  • Religion and politics in the U.S.
  • Government and social restrictions on religion, worldwide

Find an expert. For more information, contact Anna Schiller.

Hispanic Trends

We chronicle the diverse and changing lives of the U.S. Latino population and its impact on the nation. We publish demographic studies on a wide range of topics and produce an annual estimate of the number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. Our National Survey of Latinos analyzes Latino attitudes and opinions on a range of social matters and public policy issues.

Key topics:

  • Hispanic public opinion
  • Hispanic voting trends
  • U.S. immigration trends
  • Economic, work and education trends
  • Hispanic/Latino identity
  • Changing U.S. demographics

Find an expert. For more information, contact Tanya Arditi.

Global Attitudes & Trends

We conduct international research on an array of subjects, ranging from people’s assessments of their own lives to their attitudes about the current state of the world. Every year we publish dozens of reports and analyses on the rapid changes taking place around the globe and the relevant geopolitical and economic events of the day. Since 2002, we have surveyed over 550,000 people in 64 countries.

Key topics:

  • Globalization
  • America’s image in the world
  • The rise of China
  • Democracy and governance
  • Terrorism

Find an expert. For more information, contact Stefan Cornibert, Julia O’Hanlon and Gar Meng Leong.

Social & Demographic Trends

We study behaviors and attitudes of Americans in key realms of daily life, combining original public opinion research with economic and demographic analysis. In addition to surveying the general public, we conduct surveys of special populations, including MillennialsLGBT AmericansAsian Americans and veterans.

Key topics:

  • Teens, generations and aging
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Gender, work, marriage and family
  • U.S. population trends
  • Economics and personal finances
  • Education and student debt

Find an expert. For more information, contact Tanya Arditi, Julia O’Hanlon and Gar Meng Leong.

Research Methodology

We continue to search for ways to expand and strengthen the traditional methodologies that underlie survey research and to explore the potential of alternate methods of conducting surveys and measuring public opinion.

Key topics:

  • Best practices in survey research
  • American Trends Panel: probability-based online surveys
  • Exploring the potential of nonprobability-based sampling

Find an expert. For more information, contact Rachel Weisel and Calvin Jordan.

Data Labs

We use computational methods to complement and expand on the Center’s existing research agenda to further our understanding of the public’s views online and their electronic trails of behavior.

Key topics:

  • Internet data collection
  • Natural language processing
  • Machine vision
  • Online distributed labor platforms
  • Innovative computational techniques and empirical strategies

Find an expert. For more information, contact Rachel Weisel and Andrew Grant.

Fact Tank

Fact Tank is Pew Research Center’s real-time platform dedicated to finding news in the numbers. Launched in mid-2013 to build on the center’s unique brand of data journalism, Fact Tank is written by experts who combine the rigorous research and quality storytelling for which the center is known to help readers understand the trends shaping the nation and the globe.

Follow us on Twitter @FactTank.

Corrections Policy

The goal of Pew Research Center is to generate a trusted foundation of facts that enriches the public dialogue and supports sound decision making. Trust is earned.

If errors are discovered that affect the quality, accuracy or integrity of our publicly released data or analyses, we are committed to setting the record straight through corrected data files, revised reporting, and alerts to readers and journalists, as the case may warrant.

To contact us with corrections, email us at