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    The Russians Rethink Democracy

    REPORT SUMMARY As their standard of living goes from bad to worse and uncertainty about the future increases, the Russian people have soured on democracy. By a margin of 51% to 31% Russians say they now favor a strong leader, rather than a democratic form of government to solve their country’s problems.  Only 17 months […]

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    The Russians Rethink Democracy

    As their standard of living goes from bad to worse and uncertainty about the future increases, the Russian people have soured on democracy. By a margin of 51% to 31% Russians say they now favor a strong leader, rather than a democratic form of government to solve their country’s problems. Only 17 months ago, as […]

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    It’s Still the Economy… Mr. Clinton

    Report Summary Despite an upsurge in consumer confidence, the attention of the American public continues to be focused on the economy. Nearly two out of three Americans (62%) believes that the economy is still either in a recession, or in a depression, while only 34% of the public thinks that an economic recovery has begun.

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    Press Sees Coverage as Having Hurt Bush Election Chances

    Report Summary A substantial majority (55%) of the American journalists who followed the 1992 presidential campaign believe that George Bush’s candidacy was damaged by the way the press covered him. Only 11% feel that Gov. Bill Clinton’s campaign was harmed by the way the press covered his drive to the presidency. Moreover, one out of […]

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    Voters Say ’Thumbs Up’ To Campaign, Process & Coverage

    Report Summary The American electorate feels better about itself and better about the campaign process than it did four years ago. A panel back post-mortem survey of voters conducted the weekend following the election found 77% of Americans thinking they learned enough during the campaign to make an informed choice between President George Bush, Governor […]

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    Voters Still Paying More Attention to Perot

    Report Summary Despite his slippage in some candidate standing polls in recent days, Ross Perot continues to command more voter attention than George Bush and Bill Clinton during the last full week of “Campaign 92”. At week’s end, 39% of voters said they had heard the most about Perot in the news media, 26% named […]

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    1993 – Priorities for the President

    Report Summary Over the course of the ten days in October that shaped the final leg of this election campaign Ross Perot has brought several issues into sharp focus that have convinced a significant number of voters that he is the candidate most capable of handling them.

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    Perot is Back

    Report Summary Ross Perot’s surge in the polls is drawing somewhat more support from Bill Clinton than from George Bush, and the third party candidate seems poised to make more gains that might further narrow Bill Clinton’s nationwide margin.

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    One in Three Flunk Bush Ads

    Report Summary A Times Mirror Center survey conducted October 14-18 reveals that the American electorate continues to react more negatively to George Bush’s campaign commercials than to those of each of his rivals. A majority of voters who say they have seen Bush commercials in the past week rate them poorly – 34% give them […]

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    Clinton and Perot the Focus of Voter Attention

    Report Summary Bill Clinton and Ross Perot continue to command more voter attention than George Bush. Times Mirror’s latest Air Wars Score Card finds 37% of American voters saying that in the past week they have heard the most in the media about Bill Clinton. Almost as many mention independent candidate Ross Perot (31%), while […]