Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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    Clinton Converts One in Three Voters

    Report Summary The American electorate has changed its allegiances more dramatically and rapidly in recent weeks than perhaps ever before in campaign history. However, the size of the shift is so large and the commitment of voters to its recipient, Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas, is so tenuous, that voting intentions could again change dramatically […]

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    Clinton Bounce Begins

    Report Summary On the eve of the Democratic Convention, Governor Bill Clinton has taken a giant step toward improving his personal image. A Times Mirror poll conducted on Wednesday and Thursday evening of this week finds 59% of the voting age public having a favorable impression of the Democratic candidate VS. 34% unfavorable. This is […]

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    Campaign ’92: Survey VIII

    Report Summary On the eve of the national political conventions the American electorate is composed of three generations that are likely to play vastly different roles in the coming election. Americans over 50 may be the first generation of older people in modern history to spearhead a political revolution, and middle-aged people, clustered in the […]

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    Year of the Outsider

    Report Summary Unannounced candidate Ross Perot has pulled ahead of George Bush and Bill Clinton in the latest nationwide Times Mirror survey, but for all the talk of Perot’s connection with voters, his strength against Bush and Clinton is almost matched by non candidate Norman Schwartzkopf.

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    The Campaign and the Press at Halftime

    Report Summary While George Bush, Bill Clinton, and Ross Perot have all criticized 1992 campaign press coverage, the three candidates might be surprised to learn that many members of the press community share their negative views.

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    Public Interest and Awarness of the News

    Report Summary While news about the Rodney King verdict and the Los Angeles riots clearly dominated the public’s interest, reports about the condition of the economy were still very closely followed by four in ten Americans (39%). But attention to the economy dropped significantly since Times Mirror’s March and February polls (47% and 47% respectively). […]

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    Bush/Clinton/Perot: An Analysis of the Standings

    Report Summary Times Mirror’s Survey V in the series “Campaign 92” indicated a virtual three way tie between the three presidential candidates if the election were held today. But the survey’s principal focus was on the nature and intensity of voter support for each of the candidates, and voter knowledgability about where each of the […]

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    Verdict in L.A.

    Report Summary The civil disturbance in Los Angeles that followed the Rodney King verdict has taken its toll on George Bush’s standing with the voters. Times Mirror’s latest nationwide survey, conducted April 30 – May 3 finds the President deadlocked with Democratic challenger Bill Clinton and Independent candidate Ross Perot. 33% of the 1301 respondents […]

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    Electability: Bush, Clinton & Congress

    Report Summary The American political landscape is marked by what appears to be the early stages of a massive voter rebellion against their presidential choices and their check kiting Congressmen. Times Mirror’s latest survey finds that discontent with Congress as an institution is coming home to affect individual incumbent members of Congress. Thirty-nine percent of […]

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    Washington Follows the Primaries

    Report Summary The President’s approval ratings have slipped below 40% for the first time ever, a significant gender gap is re-emerging, and two traditionally strong constituencies — the affluent and younger voters — are starting to edge away from the President. While the now famous unnamed Democrat beats the President, the public still believes Bush […]