Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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    The Age of Indifference

    Report Summary In the days when LBJ was President, the phrase “generation gap” summed up the contrasting political and social values of young Americans and their elders. Today, a new but different generation gap exists. A major comparative examination of what young people know, what they pay attention to, and what media they use reveals […]

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    Reflections of the Times

    Report Summary Americans, by a wide six to one majority, support the right of patients to make their own decisions about receiving life-sustaining treatment. The public also overwhelmingly thinks that close family members should be allowed to make decisions about life-sustaining medical treatment, if the patient is unable to make his or her own wishes […]

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    Bush, Gorbachev Summit Evokes Moderate Interest

    Report Summary Thirty-eight percent of the American public followed the Bush-Gorbachev summit “very closely” according to a new Times Mirror News Interest Index released today. While interest in the Washington summit was almost twice as great as public interest in last December’s meeting of the two world leaders off the coast of Malta (21%), the […]

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    Hostage Release Tops Times Mirror News Interest Index

    Report Summary News about the release of American hostages in the Middle East has attracted more public attention than any other single story in 1990 so far. Close to half the public (46%) report that they have paid very close attention to stories about the release of Robert Polhill and Frank Reed. This is the […]

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    International News Tops Domestic in Public Interest

    Report Summary Events overseas are overshadowing the importance of domestic news to the public. Americans are ten times more likely to cite an international news story (40%) than a domestic one (4%) as the most important event of the month. This is the fifth month in a row that Americans have named overseas stories more […]

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    Public Bids No Trump

    Report Summary In a month in which no single news story dominated public attention, Americans registered a strong protest about the amount of news coverage devoted to the marital breakup of Donald and Ivana Trump. A record 55% said there was too much news about the Trumps. This is by far the largest “over covered” […]

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    Avianca Airlines Crash Tops Times Mirror News Interest Index

    Report Summary The crash of an Avianca Airlines jetliner near New York’s Kennedy Airport was the most closely followed news story in January, according to the latest Times Mirror New Interest Index, followed by the Charles Stuart murder case in Boston, the arrest of Washington Mayor Marion Barry, and the acquittal of defendants in California’s […]

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    Panama Tops January News Interest Index

    Report Summary In December, Americans paid great attention to the invasion of Panama. News of the Romanian revolution, however, attracted only a modest level of public interest. While sixty percent of the public followed events in Panama very closely, only 28% said that they were very attentive to the violent overthrow of the Ceausescu government. […]

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    News Interest Index

    Report Summary Only 28% of Americans are paying close attention to the sweeping political changes taking place in Eastern and Central Europe. This represents a significant fall off in public interest in this story since November, when the Times Mirror News Interest Index found 50% following very closely the breaking news about the opening of […]