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    Video: Is the ‘God Gap’ Closing?

    In new books, Amy Sullivan of Time magazine and E.J. Dionne of The Washington Post contend the “God gap” between Democratic and Republican Voters is closing, with implications for the 2008 election. They discussed their books with journalists at a recent Pew Forum event. Read the full transcript >>

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    Death Penalty Timeline

    Timeline provided by Return to the death penalty issue page  The Death Penalty Since 1972 (Links to U.S. Supreme Court decisions provided by and the Web site of the U.S. Supreme Court)  1972 Furman v. Georgia: The U.S. Supreme Court effectively voids 40 state death penalty statutes and suspends capital punishment, ruling that […]

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    Video: The Religion Factor in the 2008 Election

    Drawing on an analysis of extensive survey data, Pew Forum Senior Fellow John Green discussed the interplay of religion and politics in the U.S., and how it may influence the 2008 presidential election. Video of the full event is not available, but a highlight clips touch on the key points of Green’s presentation. Read the […]

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    Video: ‘Heroic Conservatism’: A Conversation with Author Michael Gerson

    The Pew Forum invited former presidential speech writer Michael Gerson to discuss his new book, Heroic Conservatism, with Pew Forum senior advisors Michael Cromartie and E.J. Dionne Jr. and a select group of journalists and religion bloggers. Gerson was challenged to define “heroic conservatism” and critique the Bush administration’s record on implementing the “compassionate conservative” […]