English Proficiency
Among the 10 largest Hispanic metropolitan areas, San Antonio has the highest share of Hispanics ages 5 and older who are proficient in English (81%)—that is, who speak only English at home or who otherwise speak English “very well.”
- By comparison, slightly more than half (52%) of Hispanics ages 5 and older in Miami are proficient in English.
- Nearly two-thirds (65%) of all U.S. Hispanics ages 5 and older are proficient in English.
- Other than San Antonio, two metropolitan areas among the top 60 have rates of English proficiency above 80%. Albuquerque, N.M., has an 85% proficiency rate among Hispanics ages 5 and older and Corpus Christi, Texas, is second with 84%; they are ranked 26th and 46th in Hispanic population, respectively.
U.S. Citizenship
San Antonio has the highest rate of U.S. citizenship among Hispanics in the top 10 metropolitan areas (88%). Its share is well above the other metro areas in the top 10. (Riverside is second with 78%.)
- Miami has the lowest rate of U.S. citizenship among its Hispanic population (66%).
- Nearly three-quarters (74%) of all U.S. Hispanics are U.S. citizens by birth or naturalization.