Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Puerto Rican Population Declines on Island, Grows on U.S. Mainland


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Table of Contents

Bhaskar, Renuka, Rachel Cortés, Melissa Scopilliti, Eric Jensen, Chris Dick, David Armstrong and Belkinés Arenas-Germosén. 2013. “Estimating Net International Migration for 2010 Demographic Analysis: An Overview of Methods and Results.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division Working Paper No. 97. February.

Birson, Kurt. 2014. “Puerto Rican Migration and the Brain Drain Dilemma.” In Edwin Meléndez and Carlos Vargas-Ramos (editors) Puerto Ricans at the Dawn of the New Millennium. New York, N.Y.: Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College, City University of New York.

Brown, Anna and Eileen Patten. 2014. “Statistical Portrait of Hispanics in the United States, 2012.” Washington, D.C.: Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project. April.

Christenson, Matthew. 2001. “Evaluating Components of International Migration: Migration Between Puerto Rico and the United States.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division Working Paper No. 64.

Duany, Jorge. 2003. “Nation, Migration, Identity: The Case of Puerto Ricans.” Latino Studies. Vol. 1 Number 3. November. 424-444.

Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 2012. “Report on the Competitiveness of Puerto Rico’s Economy.” New York, N.Y.: June.

García-Ellin, Juan Carlos. 2014. “A Brief Look at Internal Migration of Puerto Ricans in the United States: 2001-2011.” In Edwin Meléndez and Carlos Vargas-Ramos (editors) Puerto Ricans at the Dawn of the New Millennium. New York, N.Y.: Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College, City University of New York.

Mora, Marie T., Alberto Dávila and Havidán Rodríguez. 2015. “Island-to-Mainland Migration, Geographic Dispersion, and Socioeconomic Outcomes of Island-Born and Mainland-Born Puerto Ricans between 2006 and 2011.” In William Vélez (Ed.), Puerto Ricans in New Destinations. Milwaukee, W.I.: unpublished manuscript, University of Wisconsin.

Mora, Marie T., Alberto Dávila and Havidán Rodríguez. 2014. “Education, Migration and Earnings of Puerto Ricans on the Island and U.S. Mainland: A Synthetic Cohort Analysis, 2006-2011.” Unpublished manuscript, The University of Texas – Pan American, Edinburg. April.

New York Times. “Fitch Cuts Puerto Rico’s Debt to Junk.” February 11, 2014.

Puerto Rico Planning Board. 2013. “Statistical Appendix of the Economic Report for the Governor and Legislative Assembly.” San Juan, Puerto Rico: March.

Rodríguez Ayuso, Idania R., Kimberley Geerman Santana and Mario Marazzi Santiago. 2013. “Perfil del Migrante: 2011.”San Juan, Puerto Rico: Instituto de Estadísticas de Puerto Rico. January.

Rodríguez Ayuso, Idania. 2011. “Perfil del Migrante: 2010.” San Juan, Puerto Rico: Instituto de Estadísticas de Puerto Rico. December.

Velázquez Estrada, Alberto L., Idania R. Rodríguez Ayuso and Kimberley Geerman Santana. 2014. “Perfil del Migrante: 2012.” San Juan, Puerto Rico: Instituto de Estadísticas de Puerto Rico. January.

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