This report was written by Mark Hugo Lopez, director, race and ethnicity research; and Luis Noe-Bustamante, research associate.
Editorial guidance was provided by Sahana Mukherjee, associate director, race and ethnicity research; Jens Manuel Krogstad, senior writer/editor; and Jocelyn Kiley, senior associate director, research. The report was reviewed by Claudia Deane, executive vice president. Guidance on the communications strategy and outreach was provided by Tanya Arditi, senior communications manager, with support from Andrew Grant, communications associate.
The report was number checked by Joseph Copeland, research analyst. Sara Atske, digital producer, produced the report. Rebecca Leppert, copy editor, and Anna Jackson, editorial assistant, copy edited the report. Charts were designed by Noe-Bustamante and Lopez, with guidance from John Carlo Mandapat, information graphics designer.
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