Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

July 22-25 2010 Weekly Survey

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    Sherrod Case Draws Heavy Coverage, Modest Interest

    Summary of Findings The controversy surrounding the firing of U.S. Department of Agriculture official Shirley Sherrod attracted widespread attention from the news media last week and was the dominant story on cable news networks. The public, however, showed modest interest in the Sherrod affair and, as has been the case since early May, the oil […]

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    Obama’s Policies Seen as Better than Bush’s for Improving the Economy

    Overview While most Americans disapprove of Barack Obama’s handling of the economy, far more think his administration’s policies – rather than those of the Bush administration – would do more to improve economic conditions over the next few years. As Congress gears up for debate over the tax cuts passed when Bush was president, the […]

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