Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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  • report

    Rising Environmental Concerns in China

    The Chinese public is increasingly worried about the quality of the country’s air and water. There is also widespread concern about inflation, inequality and corruption, and the safety of consumer goods and food.

  • report

    Environmental Concerns on the Rise in China

    Survey Report The Chinese public is increasingly concerned about the quality of the country’s air and water after a year in which China experienced numerous high-profile environmental problems. Meanwhile, even though most Chinese have rated their national economic situation positively in recent years, there are also widespread concerns about the side effects of economic growth, […]

  • presentation

    How Developing Nations See the Economy, China, the U.S.

    America’s competition with China is heating up in developing countries. Using a new survey on the global balance of power, Bruce Stokes, Director of Global Economic Attitudes at the Pew Research Center, and Richard Wike, Associate Director of the Pew Research’s Global Attitudes Project, presented detailed findings on the image of the U.S. and China in Africa, […]