International opinion of Joe Biden in 6 charts
In his second year in office, Joe Biden receives generally positive ratings in the 18 countries surveyed in spring 2022.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
In his second year in office, Joe Biden receives generally positive ratings in the 18 countries surveyed in spring 2022.
China has the world’s largest population (1.426 billion), but India (1.417 billion) is expected to claim this title next year.
A median of 55% of adults in 18 surveyed countries have confidence in Kamala Harris to do the right thing regarding world affairs.
67% of U.S. adults express a favorable view of the Israeli people; a much smaller share (48%) says the same about the Israeli government.
As President Joe Biden embarks on his first visit to Israel as president, he does so against an amicable backdrop: A majority of adults in both Israel and the United States have favorable views of the other country and the current state of bilateral relations, though Americans’ views on Israel differ sharply by party and age.
Much larger shares of people in most nations see China’s influence growing than say the same of the United States.
Large majorities in most of the 19 countries surveyed have negative views of China, but relatively few say bilateral relations are bad.
Nearly half of Americans (47%) say that the United States’ influence in the world has been getting weaker in recent years.
Most say U.S. is reliable partner, and ratings for Biden are mostly positive – although down significantly from last year.
More than nine-in-ten Poles see Russia as a major threat and have no confidence at all in Putin
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