An Increase in GOP Doubt About Global Warming Deepens Partisan Divide
The proportion of Americans who say that the earth is getting warmer has decreased modestly since January 2007, mostly because of a decline among Republicans.
The proportion of Americans who say that the earth is getting warmer has decreased modestly since January 2007, mostly because of a decline among Republicans.
Recent advances in neuroscience are offering researchers a look into the physiology of religious belief. In a transcript from a Pew Forum event, University of Pennsylvania radiologist, Dr. Andrew Newberg, discusses how measurable brain activity matches up with the religious experiences described by worshippers.
In an interview, Francis Collins, head of the Human Genome Project and an evangelical Christian argues that advances in science present “an opportunity for worship,” rather than a catalyst for doubt.
The public remains conflicted in its approach toward energy and the environment, but 55% favor more conservation and regulation compared with 35% who support expanded exploration. Fully 90% favor tighter auto fuel standards.
Republicans’ concerns about climate change have fallen through the floor. Just 12% now call it a top priority for policymakers.
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