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    A Partisan Public Agenda

    Introduction and Summary As Inauguration Day approaches, Bill Clinton is getting his highest ever approval rating (59%). Favorable opinion of Congress is also up sharply (56%) as the GOP begins its second consecutive term of control for the first time in more than sixty years. Newt Gingrich is the only unpopular national leader in the […]

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    News Attracts Most Internet Users

    Introduction and Summary The numbers are still modest but the Internet is beginning to play a role in the news habits of a significant number of American consumers. Over one-in-five Americans now go online — either at home, work or school. Nearly three-fourths of this group sometimes get news from the World Wide Web or […]

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    Campaign ’96 Gets Lower Grades from Voters

    Introduction and Summary Voters were much less pleased with the presidential campaign this year than in 1992. The American electorate was less satisfied with its choice of candidates than in the two previous presidential elections and much more unhappy with the campaign process, particularly compared to 1992. The candidates, the debates, the press, the parties […]

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    Final Pew Center Survey – Clinton 52%, Dole 38%, Perot 9%

    Survey Findings Bill Clinton’s lead over Bob Dole and Ross Perot remains as wide and deep at the end of the final week of the campaign as it has been for the past two months, despite the growing controversy about Democratic campaign finance irregularities. The Pew Research Center’s final survey of 1,211 likely voters, taken […]

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    Dole Appeal Nearly Record Low

    As the 1996 election campaign draws to an end, Bob Dole rates as one of the least appealing major party presidential candidates of almost four decades, according to an analysis of favorability ratings by Larry Hugick, director of political surveys at Princeton Survey Research Associates. He ranks 19th out of 20 candidates since 1960. Bill […]

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    Clinton Unites Dems, Gains Working Class Independents

    Introduction and Summary After two presidential debates and six weeks of the general campaign Bill Clinton’s lead over Bob Dole is as large as it was in early September. The course of the race has changed little with the passing of each important campaign milestone. The only observable consequence of the debates is that the […]

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    Dole Can’t Cash In on Mixed View of Clinton

    Introduction and Summary Bill Clinton continues to hold a commanding lead over Bob Dole and Ross Perot, but it is not because voters are delighted with his record, or because the electorate is euphoric about economic conditions, or because people expect better things to come. American voters are modest in their enthusiasm for Bill Clinton, […]

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    Generic Congressional Measures Less Accurate In Presidential Years

    The polling lesson of 1994 was learned first by the Gallup Poll in the 1950’s… that a generic measure of partisan support for House races in a nationwide poll can do a good job of estimating the popular vote for the Congressional election. Consequently, it is an excellent basis for predicting the number of seats […]

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    Solid Clinton Lead, Small Gain for Congressional Democrats

    Introduction and Summary As the fall campaign begins, Bill Clinton holds a solid lead over challengers Bob Dole and Ross Perot. But the race for control of Congress remains close. While the Democrats have gained some ground on the GOP over the course of the summer, American voters have a more positive view of incumbents […]

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    Introduction This report consists of Tables only. Tables Party Identification by Subgroups* (Percentaged Horizontally) Total Total Number of Republican Democrat Independent Republican Democrat Interviews % % % % % Total 30 31 39=100 46 46 (9652) Sex Male 31 26 43=100 50 41 (4780) Female 28 37 35=100 41 50 (4872) Race White 33 28 […]

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