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    New Hampshire Voters Fault Candidates, Media And TV Ads

    Introduction and Summary New Hampshire voters are not very happy these days. Fully 71% are dissatisfied with conditions in the country. Like American voters elsewhere, large majorities are worried about meeting their financial obligations in the future, even though the condition of the economy is not as dominant an issue in the state as it […]

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    Forbes Draws Even With Dole In New Hampshire

    Report Summary Political newcomer Steve Forbes has moved into a statistical tie with Bob Dole for top honors in the New Hampshire primary.  A Pew Research Center poll of 543 likely voters taken January 25-28 finds the millionaire publisher leading the Senator 29% to 24%, but the lead is within the poll’s margin of sampling […]

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    Clinton Ratings Hold: Balanced Budget A Public Priority, But Few See Personal Payoff

    Introduction and Summary Age and income make a difference in the perceived impact of a balanced budget and changes to Medicare. A majority of Americans with family incomes of $75,000 or more think they will be helped personally by a balanced budget, while smaller percentages of middle and lower income people foresee a personal payoff. […]

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    Chance Error and Bill Clinton’s Political Fortunes

    The big difference this week between the CNN/USA/Gallup poll and ABC/WP poll is the first major polling disparity of the ’96 campaign. Gallup’s results indicate that support for the President has tumbled sharply, while the GOP leadership is viewed more favorably than a month ago. In sharp contrast, the ABC/WP poll found no trend away […]

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    Energized Democrats Backing Clinton

    Introduction and Summary Anxiety may replace anger as the dominant voter emotion in 1996. A major national survey finds significantly more Americans than 18 months ago worried about affording major expenses such as health care costs, college tuition, retirement funds and housing costs. Voter anxiety has increased across the political spectrum and appears to be […]

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    A Content Analysis: International News Coverage Fits Public’s Ameri-Centric Mood

    Report Summary A new study suggests that the way the media covers international news may be doing little to change the American public’s indifference to concerns about world events and foreign policy. A four-month analysis of over 7,000 international news stories now finds that newspapers and network television focus most often on world news that […]

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