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    Divided Public Focused on Gulf News: Braced For Bloody War

    Report Summary As the crisis in the Persian Gulf approaches its climax, the public remains riveted to the story, with 59 percent of survey respondents saying they are following developments very closely and 66 percent saying they have given a great deal of thought to the question of using military force against Iraq.

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    Year End Summary

    Report Summary In a year that began and ended with American troops in the field, international news dominated the consciousness of Americans in 1990. In nine months of the last year, international news stories were the most closely followed news stories of the month, and throughout the entire period the public regarded international events as […]

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    Public Opinion of Election Coverage Improves

    Report Summary American voters gave the press a C+ grade for its coverage of the 1990 campaign, but that is a substantial improvement over the D+ grade the press received for its coverage of the 1988 presidential campaign. The press received better ratings than the parties and the campaign professionals for Election ’90. In 1988, […]

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    Gulf Still Top Story: Interest In Faltering Economy Surges

    Report Summary Interest in news about the economy and the election campaigns increased markedly in the past month, but the crisis in the Gulf continued to be the story most closely followed by the American public. For the fourth consecutive month, approximately two-thirds of Times Mirror’s nationwide sample (62%) reported that it was following the […]

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    The People, The Press & Politics 1990

    Overview Seen through the Times Mirror Center for the People & the Press’ political typology of 1990, the American electorate presents a disquieting picture of political gridlock. Despite the personal popularity of President Bush, cynicism toward the political system in general is growing as the public in unprecedented numbers associates Republicans with wealth and greed, […]

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    Gas Prices Rival Gulf For Public Attention

    Report Summary The focus of the American public’s attention is shifting to the domestic consequences of the Gulf crisis. Although Iraqi occupation of Kuwait and U.S. troop deployment to the Gulf continues to dominate the consciousness of Americans, news about rising gasoline prices drew nearly as much public interest in September. At the same time, […]

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    Bush Approval Rating Plummets, Times Mirror Survey Finds

    Report Summary As the debate about the federal budget rages and the prospect of higher gasoline taxes looms, George Bush’s standing with the public has fallen dramatically. The latest nationwide poll by the Times Mirror Center for The People & The Press finds the President’s approval ratings down 13 percentage points in less than one […]

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    Public Interest in Gulf Crisis Unabated

    Report Summary Americans remain as attentive as they were a month ago to events in the Persian Gulf. Sixty-three percent of the public are following news about the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait and the deployment of U.S. forces to the Persian Gulf very closely. Our August survey showed an only marginally higher level of interest […]

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    American Perspectives: What Do We Look Like? How Do We Feel?

    Report Summary At week’s end 66% of the American public said they were following news about the Iraqi invasion and the deployment of American forces to Saudi Arabia very closely. Events in the Middle East now dominate public consciousness to an extraordinary degree. An unparalleled 85% of Times Mirror’s nationwide telephone sample volunteered this, in […]

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    American Public Riveted To News of Iraq and Saudi Arabia

    Report Summary In a nation bombarded by a steady stream of new diets, health conscious cookbooks, physical fitness, low-fat foods and cholesterol tests, many Americans still say they are overweight and only a small number rate their physical condition and health as excellent. Fighting the battle of the bulge as well as the urge to […]

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