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    The People, the Press & Politics

    Report Summary Reflecting a dramatically changed environment in America and the world, the voter typology which Times Mirror created in 1987 has been modified to make it more responsive to the new values and attitudes that affect voter behavior in 1994. We present it as “The People, The Press and Politics: The New Political Landscape.” […]

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    Gloomy Doctors and “Scared Public” Spurn Clinton Plan But Favor Reform Principles

    Summary of Findings Over the past 12 months Americans and their physicians have been frightened by the health care reform debate, and have soured on the “Clinton plan”. But both the public and medical doctors continue to strongly support universal coverage as the core element of the changes they seek in the nation’s health care […]

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    Technology in the American Household

    Summary of Findings As the internet was in its earliest stages as a mass communication medium, the Times Mirror Center for the People & the Press undertook a major study investigating the ways in which new and old technology were being integrated into peoples’ lives. The study is based on a survey of 3,667 adults […]

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    Public Tunes Out Recent News

    Report Summary The American public has not absorbed the basic facts of many major news stories of recent months. While most Americans know that Nelson Mandela was elected in South Africa, and that Richard Nixon was the President forced to resign over Watergate, a new nationwide survey by the Times Mirror Center found the public […]

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    Economic Recovery Has Little Impact on American Mood

    Report Summary Despite signs of an economic turn around, Americans remain highly dissatisfied with the state of the nation, financially burdened and fearful about their futures. From an economic point of view, continued discontent with earning power of American jobs is inhibiting celebration of the economic recovery. From a political one, preoccupation with Whitewater is […]

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    Whitewater Weighs Down Clinton in Public’s Eyes

    Report Summary The Whitewater scandal is sapping public confidence in Bill Clinton. Almost as many Americans now disapprove, as approve of the way the President is handling his job, and there is a growing belief that the Whitewater case is disrupting the government’s ability to deal with major policy issues such as crime, healthcare reform, […]

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    Mixed Message About Press Freedom on Both Sides of Atlantic

    Report Summary In a comparative media survey across eight countries, the publics of North America and Western Europe credit the news media for its positive overall impact on their countries. Large majorities said the press helps their democracies and has a good influence on their societies — usually better than the influence of other institutions, […]

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    TV Trials Captivate Public

    Report Summary Melodramatic court trials carried on television recently have enjoyed huge audiences in the United States, a new nationwide Times Mirror survey found. Fully 43% of the American public have watched at least four of five of the most sensational trials aired on TV within the past few years. The survey also suggests that […]

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    Public Sympathetic to Inman Charges

    Report Summary While very few Americans followed news of Bobby Ray Inman’s abrupt withdrawal as nominee for secretary of defense, many agree with the criticisms he made of the press in explaining his departure from public life.

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    Public Backs Clinton on Gun Control

    Report Summary As concern about crime has supplanted the recession as the public’s single greatest worry, Americans express strong support for Bill Clinton’s efforts to control the use of handguns. Most also say they would like to see the President challenge the National Rifle Association, which a growing number of Americans feel has too much […]

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