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    Wall Street, Nukes and a Volcano Top the News

    The U.S. economy topped the news agenda in a week that included a major summit in Washington D.C. an eruption that wreaked havoc with global travel and a series of Tea Party protests. Meanwhile, coverage of the once raging health care issue has tapered off dramatically since the legislation was signed into law.

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    After Lengthy Hiatus, Health Care Dominates Again

    With the legislative process stalled in recent weeks, the media turned away from health care reform. But President Obama’s much-awaited February 25 summit meeting changed that. Meanwhile, a modicum of bipartisanship on Capitol Hill fueled coverage of the economy and a mea culpa before Congress put Toyota in the headlines.

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    A Conversation With Tariq Ramadan

    European campaigns to ban burqas, the Swiss vote to bar new construction of minarets and attempted terrorist acts in the United States have renewed questions and concerns about the compatibility of Islam with Western society. Swiss-born scholar and philosopher of Islam Tariq Ramadan has written and spoken on the subject, generating widespread debate and reaction. […]

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    Haiti, Snowstorms, Economy Vie for Public’s Attention

    Summary of Findings Americans say they tracked the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti more closely than any other major news story last week, but they also kept a close watch on news about the U.S. economy and the powerful snow storms that hit the nation’s East Coast and South. Three-in-ten (30%) say they followed […]

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    U.S. Image Improved in Canada

    America’s ratings have risen north of the border, but differences persist over Afghanistan and U.S. economic influence

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    Obama’s Nobel Prize

    The Peace Prize award is another sign of the president’s international appeal; his election lifted America’s image around the globe

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