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Search results for: “Canada”

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    Reconciling Obligations: Accommodating Religious Practice on the Job

    9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Washington, D.C. 9:15 – 9:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:30 – 10:50 History of Relevant Law, Legislation and Enforcement Efforts Roberto Corrada, University of Denver Law School Richard Foltin, American Jewish Committee David Frank, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission David Lachmann, Minority Staff, Judiciary Committee, House of Representatives Avi Schick, Office […]

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    The Role of Religion in Public Life (Washington)

    2:00 – 4:30 p.m. National Press Club Washington, D.C. MIKE ARMACOST (President, Brookings Institution): It’s a great pleasure to welcome you on behalf of the Brookings Institution and, of course, the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. In recent years a new dialogue has started on what congregations’ proper roles are in lifting up […]

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    Moral Freedom: The Search for Virtue in a World of Choice

    Washington, D.C. Panelists include: Alan Wolfe, author, Professor of political science and Director, Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life, Boston College Wendy Kaminer, Affiliated Scholar, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University and columnist, The American Prospect Peggy Steinfels,Editor, Commonweal and Co-director, American Catholics in the Public Square project Terry Teachout, contributor […]

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    America’s Place in the World II

    Introduction and Summary The post-Cold War era may be less than a decade old, but Americans whose views help shape U.S. foreign policy have grown remarkably comfortable with it. Compared to four years ago when they were deeply troubled, American Opinion Leaders today see the world as a better place, where U.S. influence is enhanced […]

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    The People, the Press & Politics: Public Opinion About Economic Issues

    Report Summary Public perceptions and priorities are changing as the new administration begins its effort to deal with the nation’s economic problems. This new Times Mirror survey identifies five important elements of public opinion that have significant implications for economic policy alternatives. These trends and dispositions emerge from an analysis of the findings of 2000 […]

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