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Search results for: “Catholic”

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    Judgment Day for School Vouchers: A Discussion of the Constitutionality of the Cleveland School Voucher Plan

    3:30-5:00pm Washington, D.C. Discussants Robert A. Destro, Counsel of Record for The Center for Education Reform, amicus curiae supporting the constitutionality of the Cleveland school voucher plan; Professor, Columbus School of Law of The Catholic University of America Charles R. Lawrence III, Professor at Georgetown University Law Center, specializing in constitutional law, race and hate […]

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    The Role of Religion in Public Life (Washington)

    2:00 – 4:30 p.m. National Press Club Washington, D.C. MIKE ARMACOST (President, Brookings Institution): It’s a great pleasure to welcome you on behalf of the Brookings Institution and, of course, the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. In recent years a new dialogue has started on what congregations’ proper roles are in lifting up […]

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    The Role of Religion in Public Life (New York)

    12:00 – 1:30 p.m. New York, New York E.J. DIONNE: I’d like to welcome everyone to this discussion and celebration of our book, Sacred Places, Civic Purposes: Should Government Help Faith-Based Charity? We are blessed to have so many wonderful people with us today at this discussion sponsored by the Brookings Institution and the Pew […]

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    Just War Tradition and the New War on Terrorism

    National Press Club Washington, D.C. A discussion with: Jean Bethke Elshtain, Professor, University of Chicago and Co-chair, Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life Professor Elshtain is a political philosopher whose task has been to show the connections between our political and our ethical convictions. Her works include Augustine and the Limits of Politics and […]

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    Moral Freedom: The Search for Virtue in a World of Choice

    Washington, D.C. Panelists include: Alan Wolfe, author, Professor of political science and Director, Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life, Boston College Wendy Kaminer, Affiliated Scholar, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University and columnist, The American Prospect Peggy Steinfels,Editor, Commonweal and Co-director, American Catholics in the Public Square project Terry Teachout, contributor […]

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    Death Penalty Cases Stir Debate, Uncover Religious Differences

    The scheduled executions of U.S. federal prisoners for the first time in nearly four decades, as well as the recent Supreme Court decision overturning the death sentence of a mentally retarded prisoner, have once again brought debate over capital punishment into the American public square. In light of recent events, the Pew Forum on Religion […]

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    Religious Reflections on the Death Penalty

    Washington, D.C. Discussants: John Carr, Secretary, Department of Social Development and World Peace, US Catholic Conference Nathan Diament, Director of Public Policy, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America Barrett Duke, Vice President of Research, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Southern Baptist Convention Rev. Joseph Lowery, Chairman, Black Leadership Forum and Co-founder, President Emeritus, Southern […]

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    Charity Tax Credits: Federal Policy and Three Leading States

    Washington, D.C. Charity Tax Credits: Federal Policy and Three Leading States, paper presented by Margy Waller, Former White House Senior Advisor for Welfare and Working Families Discussants: Mark Anderson, Arizona State Representative (R) Robert Boisture, Counsel, Independent Sector, and Member, Caplin & Drysdale Sharon Daly, Vice President for Social Policy, Catholic Charities USA Michael J. […]

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    Reinventing Regulation: Religious social service providers and others react to the White House Office on Faith-Based and Community Initiatives’ report

    Washington, D.C. Discussants: Gary Bass, OMB Watch Rev. Stephen Burger, International Union of Gospel Missions Bill Faith, Ohio Coalition on Housing and Homelessness Richard Foltin, American Jewish Committee Richard G. Overmoyer, Jr., Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Darren Walker, Abyssinian Development Corporation Moderated by: Melissa Rogers, Executive Director of the Pew Forum on Religion & […]

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    The Declining Support For Executions

    Rising public opposition to the death penalty has been one of the few liberal social trends in recent years. But there is some reason to wonder whether the public’s overwhelming enthusiasm for executing Timothy McVeigh will stall or possibly reverse this development. Every nationwide poll taken has found the vast majority of Americans favoring the […]

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