6 facts about religion and spirituality in East Asian societies
Many people in the region – including the religiously unaffiliated – hold religious or spiritual beliefs and engage in traditional rituals.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
Many people in the region – including the religiously unaffiliated – hold religious or spiritual beliefs and engage in traditional rituals.
Mexicans hold generally positive views of the United States, while Americans hold generally negative views of Mexico – a reversal from 2017.
Nearly six-in-ten Italians (57%) have a favorable opinion of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, while 41% have a negative one.
Around a third of U.S. school districts mention the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in their mission statements. But these references are far more common in parts of the country won by Joe Biden in 2020 than in areas won by Donald Trump.
Majorities of U.S. adults have favorable views of Ukraine (64%) and NATO (62%). About seven-in-ten Republicans (71%) say the U.S. should pay less attention to problems overseas and focus on concerns at home — up from 65% in 2021.
Despite the many depressing stories dominating the international news cycle, there is also a note of positivity among survey respondents in views of the UN, the benefits of international cooperation for solving problems and the importance of common values for bringing nations together.
Across 24 countries, large shares have an unfavorable view of Russia and no confidence in Putin to do the right thing regarding world affairs.
Three-quarters of Hispanics who have heard of the term Latinx say it should not be used to describe the Hispanic or Latino population.
Among Republicans, 56% think climate policies usually hurt the U.S. economy. By contrast, 52% of Democrats say they usually help.
With new 2022 survey results just around the corner, here are five of the many insights from the newly added data available on the database.
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