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Search results for: “Pension”

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    Blame Game Intensifies in the Gulf Oil Saga

    In a week when voters went to the polls in 12 states and worries about the federal budget deficit grew, it was the spill of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico that really captured the media’s attention—again. For the third week in a row, the growing disaster accounted for at least one-third of the newshole as finger-pointing became a larger aspect of the coverage.

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    Take this Job and Love It

    Self-employed adults are significantly more satisfied with their jobs than other workers. They’re also more likely to work because they want to and not because they need a paycheck.

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    A Contentious Debate: Same-Sex Marriage in the U.S.

    Public Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage Slideshow: Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage Overview of Same-Sex Marriage in the U.S. Gay Marriage and the Law Religious Groups’ Official Positions on Gay Marriage Gay Marriage Around the World Graphic: State Policies on Same-Sex Marriage Q&A: Gay Marriage and the Free Exercise of Religion   In recent years, the […]

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    Most Middle-Aged Adults Are Rethinking Retirement Plans

    In the midst of a recession that has taken a heavy toll on many nest eggs, just over half of all working adults ages 50 to 64 say they may delay their retirement — and another 16% say they never expect to stop working.

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    Storyline Shifts from War to Washington

    A number of major stories—the Gaza conflict, Blago-gate, and the faltering economy—grabbed the attention of the news media last week. But with his inauguration looming, the challenges facing the President-elect emerged as the dominant theme.

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