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    Public Divided on Origins of Life

    Religion A Strength And Weakness For Both Parties Navigate this Report Executive Summary Contrasting Party Images: The Political Parties and Religion Evolution & Creationism Religion & Politics Promoting Democracy Support for Israel Religion & Mideast Views Faith-Based Aid Gays in the Military Other Issues Executive Summary Both major political parties have a problem with their […]

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    Religion and the Environment: Polls Show Strong Backing for Environmental Protection Across Religious Groups

    In contrast to abortion, gay marriage and other hot-button cultural issues, which divide most religious groups in the United States, there is a fairly strong consensus across faith traditions on environmental policy, according to recent polls sponsored by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. Nevertheless, conservative Christians and some minorities are not quite […]

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    Belief that Jews were Responsible for Christ’s Death Increases

    Summary of Findings A growing minority of Americans believe that Jews were responsible for Christ’s death. Roughly a quarter of the public (26%) now expresses that view. This represents a modest but statistically significant increase in the number holding this opinion when compared with a 1997 survey by ABC News which found 19% feeling this […]

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    Religion and Politics: Contention and Consensus

    Introduction and Summary Religion is a critical factor these days in the public’s thinking about contentious policy issues and political matters. An increasing number of Americans have come to view Islam as a religion that encourages violence while a declining number say Islam has a lot in common with their own religion. The public remains […]

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    Religion and Politics: Contention and Consensus

    Press Release: Growing Number of Americans Say Islam Encourages Violence Among Followers (July 24, 2003) Navigate this Report I. Religion and Politics II. Religion, Voting, and the Campaign III. Religion, Belief and Policy IV. Changing Perceptions of Islam About this Survey Questionnaire Summary of Findings Religion is a critical factor these days in the public’s […]

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