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Search results for: “alcohol”

  • fact sheet

    The Free Exercise Clause and the Parameters of Religious Liberty

    The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees that the federal government will respect the “free exercise” of religion. But the precise meaning of “free exercise” and exactly what constitutes an infringement of this right are not clear-cut. At the heart of the debate is one basic question: Do individuals or groups professing sincerely held […]

  • report

    The Impact Of “Cell-Onlys” On Public Opinion Polling

    Summary of Findings The proportion of Americans who rely solely on a cell phone for their telephone service continues to grow, as does the share who still have a landline phone but do most of their calling on their cell phone. With these changes, there is an increased concern that polls conducted only on landline […]

  • transcript

    How Our Brains are Wired for Belief

    Key West, Florida Some of the nation’s leading journalists gathered in Key West, Fla., in May 2008 for the Pew Forum’s biannual Faith Angle Conference on religion, politics and public life. Recent advances in neuroscience and brain-imaging technology have offered researchers a look into the physiology of religious experiences. In observing Buddhist monks as they […]

  • report

    Hosts Debate the Debate as the Campaign Dominates

    Format moved to the forefront of the Talk Show universe last week. The unusual CNN/YouTube Democratic debate inspired a good deal of talk show commentary. The hosts also found time to discuss an attorney general under stress, a quarterback under arrest, and actress under duress.

  • report

    The Media’s Summer of Terror Jitters Continues

    The foreign policy sparring between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama helped make the 2008 campaign the biggest story last week. And Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’ troubles continue to make headlines. But what’s behind the recent outbreak of terrorism scares in mainstream news coverage?

  • report

    Motherhood Today: Tougher Challenges, Less Success

    Summary of Findings From managing busy schedules to dealing with outside influences, mothers have their hands full these days. There is broad agreement among the public that it is harder to be a parent today – especially a mother – than it was in the 1970s or 1980s. Fully 70% of the public says it […]

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