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    Clinton Nostalgia Sets in, Bush Reaction Mixed

    Introduction and Summary As the country awaits the formal transfer of presidential power, Bill Clinton has never looked better to the American public, while his successor George W. Bush is receiving initial reviews that are more mixed, though still positive. The president leaves office with 61% of the public approving of the way he is […]

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    From Promise to Policy: A Discussion of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

    National Press Club Washington, D.C. Discussants: John DiIulio, White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Richard Foltin, American Jewish Committee Senator Rick Santorum,(R-PA) Representative Bobby Scott, (D-VA) Jim Wallis, Call to Renewal Moderated by: E.J. Dionne, Jr., Senior Fellow, the Brookings Institution and Co-Chair, The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life See press […]

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    Religion and Politics: the Ambivalent Majority

    Religion and Politics: The Ambivalent Majority Americans embrace a role for religion in the nation’s political life, but they are conflicted over the extent and contours of that involvement. Compared to a generation ago, more people are comfortable with churches expressing opinions on social and political matters, yet a solid majority of voters say they […]

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    Presidential Debate Clouds Voters’ Choice

    Introduction and Summary Al Gore’s personality may be costing him votes. Although a plurality of voters believe he won the first presidential debate, he has lost his small September lead over George W. Bush. As the race has narrowed, an increasing number of voters who oppose the vice president say they dislike his personality. On […]

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    God Fearing Voters, God Fearing Candidates: Does Religion Really Matter in the 2000 Elections?

    Washington, D.C. Panel E.J. Dionne, The Brookings Institution Andrew Kohut, Pew Research Center for the People & the Press Michael Cromartie, The Evangelical Community in American Civic Life project, and the Ethics and Public Policy Center David Devlin-Foltz, The Public Role of Mainline Protestantism project, and the Aspen Institute Alan Mittleman, Center for Jewish Community […]

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    What’s God Got to Do with the American Experiment?

    Los Angeles, California Panel E.J. Dionne, The Brookings Institution Melissa Rogers, Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs Cal Thomas, syndicated columnist Jim Wallis, Sojourner’s Magazine Steve Waldman, Beliefnet E.J. DIONNE, JR. Thank you all for coming. For me, this is a great reunion. An old and very dear friend of mine who teaches at USC, […]

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    The Religious Landscape in Upcoming GOP Primary States

    The religious profile of Republicans and independents who lean to the Republican Party suggests that Senator John McCain’s attack on certain Christian Right leaders may cloud his chances to succeed in Southern states, as well as certain Midwestern and Western states where white evangelicals(1) make up the largest religious bloc of voters. This group comprises […]

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    What ’McCain Voter’?

    For Al Gore and George W. Bush, the McCain vote has become the holy grail of the presidential race, the swing vote each man thinks he needs to put him over the top. But this line of reasoning has one big problem: there is no “McCain vote” — the exit data from the primaries show […]

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