The link between local news coverage and Americans’ perceptions of crime
Roughly three-quarters of adults (77%) say they often or sometimes get local news and information about crime.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
Roughly three-quarters of adults (77%) say they often or sometimes get local news and information about crime.
X is still more of a news destination than these other platforms, but the vast majority of users on all four see news-related content.
The Pew-Knight Initiative will deliver a comprehensive, real-time look at the information landscape from the standpoints of both consumers and producers of news.
Four-in-ten Americans who get news from social media say inaccuracy is the thing they dislike most about it – an increase of 9 percentage points since 2018.
Here are 10 key facts about Americans’ behaviors and attitudes when it comes to drinking alcohol and how these have changed over time.
More Americans now prefer to get local news online, while fewer turn to TV or print. And most say local news outlets are important to their community.
Most U.S. adults say they are interested in several types of local crime coverage, but far fewer say this information is easy to find.
U.S.-born Latinos mostly get their news in English and prefer it in English, while immigrant Latinos have much more varied habits.
About one-in-four Black households and one-in-seven Hispanic households had no wealth or were in debt in 2021, compared with about one-in-ten U.S. households overall.
Government data shows gains in education, employment and earnings for Hispanic women, but gaps with other groups remain.
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