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  • fact sheet

    Hein, One Year Later: The Future of Church-State Litigation

    Washington, D.C. In the Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation decision in June 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court made it more difficult for courts to enforce the Establishment Clause’s restrictions on government funding of religion. In Hein, the high court ruled that unless a legislative body has specifically directed funding to a religious organization or […]

  • transcript

    After Gonzales v. Carhart : The Future of Abortion Jurisprudence

    Washington, D.C. On April 18, 2007, the Supreme Court handed down a major ruling on abortion rights, upholding the constitutionality of the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. The 5-4 decision in the case, Gonzales v. Carhart, upheld for the first time a law that bans a specific abortion method, and it did so even though […]

  • transcript

    God’s Will: Iran’s Polity and the Challenges of the Future

    Key West, Florida Some of the nation’s leading journalists gathered in Key West, Fla., in May 2007 for the Pew Forum’s biannual Faith Angle Conference on religion, politics and public life. Ray Takeyh, a leading expert on Iran and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, shed light on the complex and diffuse […]

  • report

    17% of internet users – about 25 million people — have sold something online

    WASHINGTON – Millions of internet users are forsaking yard sales and the local dump for the prospect of selling their hand-me-downs and unwanted gear online. About 1 in 6 internet-using adults have sold something online. The move to online transactions not only has been a boon to people trying to clear out their attics, but […]

  • transcript

    The Right to Assisted Suicide?: Oregon Goes to the Supreme Court

    Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. Oregon has twice, by ballot initiative, adopted a measure allowing for physician-assisted suicide. The measure, known as the “Death With Dignity Act,” raises serious moral and ethical questions, and was challenged by the U.S. Department of Justice. The Department contended that it had the right to invalidate the law, […]

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