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Search results for: “education”

  • report

    Bush Confronts State of Economic Unease

    Summary of Findings As President Bush prepares for his Jan. 28 State of the Union address, the public’s mood is more subdued that it was a year ago, especially regarding the nation’s struggling economy. Just three-in-ten say they expect economic conditions to improve over the next 12 months, a significant decline from last January when […]

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    One year later: September 11 and the Internet

    This report contains the first scholarly studies built around analysis of hundreds of Web sites that have been cached in the September 11 Web Archives, and makes clear that no event in the Web era has so dominated so many Web sites in such a short, intense period of time.

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    Public’s News Habits Little Changed by September 11

    Introduction and Summary The public’s news habits have been largely unaffected by the Sept. 11 attacks and subsequent war on terrorism. Reported levels of reading, watching and listening to the news are not markedly different than in the spring of 2000. At best, a slightly larger percentage of the public is expressing general interest in […]

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    Americans and Europeans Differ Widely on Foreign Policy Issues

    Overview A multinational survey conducted in association with the International Herald Tribune and Council on Foreign Relations Europeans have a better opinion of President George W. Bush than they did before the Sept. 11 attacks, but they remain highly critical of the president, most of his policies, and what they see as his unilateral approach […]

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    International Surveys: What We Are Finding

    In the aftermath of Sept. 11, the Pew Research Center and several other major survey organizations have conducted a number of international polls. These surveys have been illuminating, showing a vast opinion gulf between the American public and people elsewhere. Yet they also reveal, surprisingly, the ways in which the United States is admired around […]

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    Americans and Europeans Differ Widely on Foreign Policy Issues

    Introduction and Summary A multinational survey conducted in association with the International Herald Tribune and Council on Foreign Relations Europeans have a better opinion of President George W. Bush than they did before the Sept. 11 attacks, but they remain highly critical of the president, most of his policies, and what they see as his […]