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Search results for: “election”

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    Bush/Clinton/Perot: An Analysis of the Standings

    Report Summary Times Mirror’s Survey V in the series “Campaign 92” indicated a virtual three way tie between the three presidential candidates if the election were held today. But the survey’s principal focus was on the nature and intensity of voter support for each of the candidates, and voter knowledgability about where each of the […]

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    The People, The Press & Politics – Survey V

    Report Summary This is the fifth in a series of national surveys commissioned by Times Mirror to assess the American electorate.  The People, The Press and Politics series employs a unique voter classification scheme developed by Gallup for Times Mirror in 1987.  The overall purpose of these surveys is to provide a better understanding of […]

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    Public Tunes Out Recent News

    Report Summary The American public has not absorbed the basic facts of many major news stories of recent months. While most Americans know that Nelson Mandela was elected in South Africa, and that Richard Nixon was the President forced to resign over Watergate, a new nationwide survey by the Times Mirror Center found the public […]

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    Voters Say ’Thumbs Up’ To Campaign, Process & Coverage

    Report Summary The American electorate feels better about itself and better about the campaign process than it did four years ago. A panel back post-mortem survey of voters conducted the weekend following the election found 77% of Americans thinking they learned enough during the campaign to make an informed choice between President George Bush, Governor […]

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    The Russians Rethink Democracy

    As their standard of living goes from bad to worse and uncertainty about the future increases, the Russian people have soured on democracy. By a margin of 51% to 31% Russians say they now favor a strong leader, rather than a democratic form of government to solve their country’s problems. Only 17 months ago, as […]

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    Press Sees Coverage as Having Hurt Bush Election Chances

    Report Summary A substantial majority (55%) of the American journalists who followed the 1992 presidential campaign believe that George Bush’s candidacy was damaged by the way the press covered him. Only 11% feel that Gov. Bill Clinton’s campaign was harmed by the way the press covered his drive to the presidency. Moreover, one out of […]

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    1993 – Priorities for the President

    Report Summary Over the course of the ten days in October that shaped the final leg of this election campaign Ross Perot has brought several issues into sharp focus that have convinced a significant number of voters that he is the candidate most capable of handling them.

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    Public Opinion of Election Coverage Improves

    Report Summary American voters gave the press a C+ grade for its coverage of the 1990 campaign, but that is a substantial improvement over the D+ grade the press received for its coverage of the 1988 presidential campaign. The press received better ratings than the parties and the campaign professionals for Election ’90. In 1988, […]

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    Gulf Still Top Story: Interest In Faltering Economy Surges

    Report Summary Interest in news about the economy and the election campaigns increased markedly in the past month, but the crisis in the Gulf continued to be the story most closely followed by the American public. For the fourth consecutive month, approximately two-thirds of Times Mirror’s nationwide sample (62%) reported that it was following the […]

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    Verdict in L.A.

    Report Summary The civil disturbance in Los Angeles that followed the Rodney King verdict has taken its toll on George Bush’s standing with the voters. Times Mirror’s latest nationwide survey, conducted April 30 – May 3 finds the President deadlocked with Democratic challenger Bill Clinton and Independent candidate Ross Perot. 33% of the 1301 respondents […]

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