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Search results for: “email internet”

  • report

    Most Americans expect to find what they are looking for online in news, health care, government information, and shopping

    WASHINGTON—The growing ranks of experienced Internet users as well as the deepening reach of the Internet into all aspects of American culture has raised all Americans’ expectations about what is available online. New research from the Pew Internet and American Life Project finds that most Internet users (80%) and many non-users (about 40%) expect that […]

  • report

    City officials and the Internet

    Most mayors and city council members use the Internet on the job and many say email has brought them closer to their constituents Washington (Oct. 2) – Fully 88% of local elected officials use the Internet in the course of their official duties and many say their online activities have helped them learn more about […]

  • report

    Baby Boomers and the Internet

    At a reporter’s request, we took a special look at those ages 38-56 and compared them to those ages 18-29 and those 65 and older.

  • report

    College students say the Internet helps them

    73% of online college students use the Internet for research more than the library Nearly half email ideas to professors that they wouldn’t dare say in class CHICAGO (September 15, 2002) – The generation that grew up with the personal computer now is heavily wired on campus and relies on the Internet in every dimension […]

  • report

    A year later: The Internet and September 11

    More than two-thirds of Americans (69%) say the government should do everything it can to keep information out of terrorists’ hands, even if that means the public will be deprived of information it needs or wants.

  • report

    One year later: September 11 and the Internet

    This report contains the first scholarly studies built around analysis of hundreds of Web sites that have been cached in the September 11 Web Archives, and makes clear that no event in the Web era has so dominated so many Web sites in such a short, intense period of time.

  • transcript

    Theology, Morality, and Public Life

    Conference will take place Wed and Thurs, Feb 26-27 University of Chicago Divinity School Chicago, Illinois Professor Elshtain: Good afternoon, I want to welcome you to this conference, to this event and to the Divinity School and to Swift Hall at the University of Chicago. I want first to acknowledge the PEW Forum Staff which […]

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