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Search results for: “email internet”

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    Search Engines: A Pew Internet Project Data Memo

    WASHINGTON (July 3, 2002) – Search engines have become an indispensable utility for Internet users. More than eight in ten American Internet users have gone to search engines to find information on the Web. More than one in four U.S. Internet users – about 33 million adults – present queries on search engines on a […]

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    Public’s News Habits Little Changed by September 11

    Introduction and Summary The public’s news habits have been largely unaffected by the Sept. 11 attacks and subsequent war on terrorism. Reported levels of reading, watching and listening to the news are not markedly different than in the spring of 2000. At best, a slightly larger percentage of the public is expressing general interest in […]

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    The Rise of the E-Citizen

    68 million Americans have gained new access to government services and information via the Web and email WASHINGTON – Sixty-eight million Americans have used the Web sites of government agencies, a figure up from 40 million such users two years ago. They exploit their new access to government in wide-ranging ways, finding information to further […]

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    Getting serious online

    Americans increasingly use the Internet to conduct research for their jobs, to make transactions, and share worries and seek advice through emails WASHINGTON, D.C.-As Americans gain experience online, they use the Internet more for their jobs, to make more online purchases and carry out other financial transactions, and to write emails with more significant and […]

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    Women surpass men as e-shoppers during the holidays

    2001 holiday season sees more e-commerce, and more online socializing Washington, D.C.–Women topped men in holiday online shopping – 58% of those who bought gifts online during the most recent shopping season were women. This is part of a broader story about advances in e-tailing as more people spent more money this year compared to […]

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    Internet resources are aids for the deeply devout

    28 million American Internet users have gotten religious and spiritual material online 3 million get such material every day WASHINGTON D.C. – The number of Americans going online to find religious information is growing and those who seek spiritual material are generally looking for things to complement already devout lives by educating themselves on their […]

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