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Search results for: “iran”

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    God Bless America: Reflections on Civil Religion After September 11

    Washington, D.C. Participants Peter Berkowitz, Professor, George Mason University Law School Derek Davis, Professor, J.M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies at Baylor University Amber Khan, former Communications Director, the Interfaith Alliance Richard John Neuhaus, Editor-in-Chief, FIRST THINGS Clarence Newsome, Dean, Howard University School of Divinity Manjit Singh, Executive Director, Sikh Mediawatch And Resource Task Force […]

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    Religious Reflections on the Death Penalty

    Washington, D.C. Discussants: John Carr, Secretary, Department of Social Development and World Peace, US Catholic Conference Nathan Diament, Director of Public Policy, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America Barrett Duke, Vice President of Research, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Southern Baptist Convention Rev. Joseph Lowery, Chairman, Black Leadership Forum and Co-founder, President Emeritus, Southern […]

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    Is Gore Like Bush…or is Bush Like Kennedy?

    Political analysts looking for historical parallels can’t decide whether the 2000 presidential race looks more like a rerun of 1988 or 1960. Will Vice President Al Gore take a page from Vice President George Bush’s play book, when he overcame a big deficit in the early polls and soundly defeated Michael Dukakis? At a comparable […]

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    Does an early lead in the polls usually hold up?

    A stream of candidate announcements and polls showing Texas Governor George W. Bush leading Vice President Al Gore have spurred interest in the 2000 presidential contest. But with the nominating conventions still more than 16 months away, what do these early polls mean for would-be nominees? A look back at nearly 40 years of early […]

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    How Americans View Government

    Introduction and Summary Americans continue to distrust the government, although there are signs that hostility toward government has begun to diminish. There is also considerable evidence that distrust of government is strongly connected to how people feel about the overall state of the nation. Today, personal satisfaction is soaring, the economy is thriving and confidence […]

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    The People, the Press and the 1988 Campaign

    Report Summary Public Favorability Toward the Press The public continues to regard news organizations less favorably than it did before news of the Iran-Contra affair changed public opinion.  A Gallup/Times Mirror survey conducted last January found that the President’s declining popularity had a fallout effect on other institutions, including the press.  Since January, there has […]

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    The Press and the Presidency

    Report Summary Reagan’s Fall The extent to which President Reagan’s image has been tarnished by the Iran-Contra arms scandal has been evident in the major public opinion surveys released over the last month.  The current Gallup/Times Mirror survey results further document Reagan’s fall.  The number themselves — the proportion of Reagan supporters versus critics — […]

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