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Search results for: “marriage and family”

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    Mormons and Civic Life

    With a Mormon candidate in the race for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination, there has been intense media, academic and public interest in Mormons and their religion. The Pew Forum recently held a roundtable discussion with journalists, scholars and policy experts on some of the latest research on Mormons and their place in American society and public life.

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    New Pew Forum Survey Explores Views of Evangelical Protestant Leaders Around the World

    Washington,D.C. — In a new surveyby the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life, most evangelicalProtestant leaders who live in the Global South (58%) say that evangelicalChristians are gaining influence on life in their countries. By contrast, most leaders who live in the Global North (66%)say that, in the societies in which they […]

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    A Portrait of Mormons in the U.S.

    In Utah, July 24 is Pioneer Day, a state holiday commemorating the day in 1847 when the first Mormon settlers, led by Brigham Young, entered the Salt Lake Valley. Today, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and other Mormon groups make up 58% of Utah’s population and 1.7% of the total […]

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    Faith in Flux

    Revised February 2011* Americans change religious affiliation early and often. In total, about half of American adults have changed religious affiliation at least once during their lives. Most people who change their religion leave their childhood faith before age 24, and many of those who change religion do so more than once. These are among […]

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    How the News Media Covered Religion in the General Election

    Religion played a much more significant role in the media coverage of President-elect Barack Obama than it did in the press treatment of Republican nominee John McCain during the 2008 presidential campaign, but much of the coverage related to false yet persistent rumors that Obama is a Muslim. Meanwhile, there was little attempt by the […]

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    How the Public Perceives Romney, Mormons

    On Thursday, Dec. 6, Mitt Romney delivered a speech addressing his Mormon faith and the role of religion in public life. Recent polling from the Pew Research Center1 finds that Romney, more than any other presidential candidate (Republican or Democrat), is viewed as very religious by the public. This perception is, for the most part, […]

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    Pope Benedict XVI on the Church’s Role in Public Life

    The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life has collected a variety of resources on Pope Benedict XVI’s views on public policy issues. The resources include links to his homilies and other writings on such issues as social justice, the participation of Catholics in political life, proposals to give legal recognition to same-sex unions, and […]

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    Public Expresses Mixed Views of Islam, Mormonism

    September 25, 2007 Section 1: Opinions about Muslims and Islam Section 2: Views of Mormons and Mormonism Section 3: Opinions about Pope Benedict XVI About the Survey The Muslim and Mormon religions have gained increasing national visibility in recent years. Yet most Americans say they know little or nothing about either religion’s practices, and large […]

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    In Focus: Mormonism in Modern America

    Two Leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Discuss the Tenets of Their Faith and its Role in Today’s Political Life The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is increasingly in the spotlight, thanks in part to Mitt Romney’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. Attention has also come from television […]