Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Search results for: “teens and technology”

  • report

    Predicting the future on the Web’s 25th anniversary

    Asked to predict how technology will change over the next decade, hundreds of experts agree that trends now underway will make the internet more important even as it becomes less visible in daily life.

  • report

    Teens and Technology 2013

    Smartphone adoption among teens has increased substantially and mobile access to the internet is pervasive. One in four teens are “cell-mostly” internet users, who say they mostly go online using their phone.

  • feature

    World Wide Web Timeline

    A timeline of the major milestones and small moments that have shaped the Web since 1989.

  • report

    Millennials in Adulthood

    Racially diverse, economically stressed and politically liberal, Millennials are building their own networks through social media – rather than through political parties, organized religion or marriage. Half now call themselves political independents, the highest share of any generation.

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