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Search results for: “topics europs 2014”

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    Faith and Skepticism about Trade, Foreign Investment

    Developing countries provide the strongest support for international trade and foreign investment, while people in many advanced economies are skeptical. Americans are among the least likely to hold a positive view of the impact of trade on jobs and wages.

  • transcript

    Event Transcript: Religion in Latin America

    Latin America is home to more than 425 million Catholics – nearly 40% of the world’s total Catholic population – and the Roman Catholic Church now has a Latin American pope for the first time in its history. Yet identification with Catholicism has declined throughout the region, according to a major new Pew Research Center […]

  • report

    Support in Principle for U.S.-EU Trade Pact

    Survey Report The European Union and the United States are negotiating the most economically significant regional free trade agreement in history: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Publics in Germany and the United States support TTIP and trade expansion in general, especially with each other. But when it comes to specifics, both Americans and […]

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