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Counts and Characteristics of Hispanics in Large Metros

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A new report from the Pew Hispanic Center analyzes and compares the counts and characteristics of Latinos who live in the 60 metropolitan areas with the largest Hispanic populations, using data from the 2010 American Community Survey. Two interactive maps that accompany the report show key characteristics of Hispanics in those metropolitan areas and population distribution across counties of the six largest Hispanic origin groups.

Among the population findings is that 45% of the nation’s Hispanic population lives in just 10 metropolitan areas, and that Hispanics are a majority of the population in two of those areas. Looking at the top 60 metro areas by Hispanic population, Latinos are a majority in an additional 11 (for a total of 13). Mexican Americans, who account for 65% of Hispanics, are the majority Latino origin group in 50 of the 60 largest metro areas by Latino population.

As for characteristics, the report includes rankings for the 10 largest metro areas on age structure, nativity, educational attainment, English proficiency, U.S. citizenship, median household income, homeownership and other variables. Fact sheets for each of the 60 largest metro areas by Hispanic population provide detailed demographic and economic characteristics for this population.

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