Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Growing Number of Dads Home with the Kids

Key Shareable Findings


The number of fathers who stay at home with their children has increased, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of government data. Here are some of the report’s highlights, edited down to tweet length, with links and relevant charts included. This report was written by @DrGMLivingston and edited by @kim_c_parker.

How many stay-at-home fathers are there?

  • The number of fathers who stay at home with their children has nearly doubled since 1989
  • There were 1.1 million stay-at-home fathers in 1989; now the number is 2 million

How do their numbers compare to stay-at-home mothers?

  • Most stay-at-home parents are mothers, but fathers represent a growing share: 16%, up from 10% in 1989
  • Among all stay-at-home parents in the U.S., 16% are fathers, and 84% are mothers

Why are fathers staying at home?

  • 21% of stay-at-home dads say they’re at home to care for family, up from 5% in 1989
  • Reasons dads stay at home: 23% can’t find a job, 21% to care for home or family, 35% due to illness, disability
  • Biggest share (35%) of stay-at-home fathers are at home due to illness or disability

Who are stay-at-home fathers demographically?

  • On average, stay-at-home fathers worse off financially, less educated than working dads
  • 47% of stay-at-home fathers are living in poverty vs. 8% of working fathers
  • 52% of stay-at-home fathers are white, 20% are Hispanic and 16% are black

What does the public think about fathers staying at home?

  • 51% say kids better off if mother is at home; just 8% say better off if dad is at home
  • 34% say children just as well off if mother works; 76% say the same of fathers
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