Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Personal Finances

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    A Profile of Hispanic Public School Students

    The number of Hispanic students in the nation’s public schools nearly doubled from 1990 to 2006, accounting for 60% of the total growth in public school enrollments over that period.

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    America’s Four Middle Classes

    There isn’t one American middle class; there are four. Each is different from the others in its attitudes, outlook and financial circumstance—sometimes in ways that defy traditional stereotypes of the middle class.

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    As Gas Prices Pinch, Support for Energy Exploration Rises

    Overview Amid record gas prices, public support for greater energy exploration is spiking. Compared with just a few months ago, many more Americans are giving higher priority to more energy exploration, rather than more conservation. An increasing proportion also says that developing new sources of energy – rather than protecting the environment – is the […]

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    Gas Prices Pump Up Support for Drilling

    Americans are giving higher priority to more energy exploration, rather than more conservation; concern about the environment fades as support for ANWR drilling rises.

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    Baby Boomers: The Gloomiest Generation

    America’s baby boomers are in a collective funk. Members of the large generation born from 1946 to 1964 are more downbeat about their lives than are adults who are younger or older.

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    The Middle Class Blues

    When it comes to anxiety about family finances, an old truism applies: Where you stand depends on where you sit. Or, more precisely, on where your house or apartment sits.

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    Feeling Guilty

    Most Americans say they’re not saving as much as they should — but they’re apparently not worried enough to do much about it.